Saturday, April 6, 2013

#PCWM and the Business of Pilates

What is PCWM you ask?  Well that my friends is an acronym for Podcamp Western Massachusetts, which then translates into group of people gathering to learn more about this thing we call social media…Okay from the outside that might be what Podcamp looks like.   From the inside Podcamp is a day where energy builds on energy, where friendships are made instantaneously, where you learn about social media as a marketing tool, and where you brainstorm with like minds about how to make things better!  Most importantly, Podcamp is a day that permanently debunks the myth that social media is causing the world to be increasingly disconnected.

The spontaneity of the day was something special.  The schedule was comprised of sticky notes on a wall that were shifted as needs were met.  When I first saw the giant sticky notes I knew I was surrounded by creative genius.   Why?  Because everyone knows that all of the best ideas are at first written on sticky notes, of course.

My first seminar by Thom Fox was entitled, “Transforming Online Connections into Offline Relationships” There were so many nuggets in this very short 45 minutes…For instance Thom listed some best practices like:

Promoting other people is the most important part of social media!  With that in mind I’d like to give a shout out to my new and old friends from Podcamp.  Check out the links to learn about many amazing people.

Doug Merrill of

Every person at this event made as many if not more connections, and I am positive that these connections will make the world a better place.

Thom ended his presentation with this quote, “They say it takes a village to raise a child, I say it takes a village to sustain an economy.”  And to that I say, “Well said Thom Fox!”

I left this session high as a kite…Okay not literally, Let’s say I left this session really caffeinated and ready to roll.  I ran (or waded through the sea of excited people) to the sticky note schedule, and the number of presentations had multiplied.  There were so many more to choose from.  I found that the presentation I had planned to take had been moved to a different location (The Sticky note was unstuck and restuck underneath a different room’s column). 

I decided to take “Are Introverts or Extraverts better at social media networking.” presented by Val Nelson.  I have known Val for a couple of years, and in fact it was her suggestion that got me to podcamp in the first place.  I was certainly curious about this topic.  I am an introvert, which does not mean that I am shy, or that I don’t like people (Wow would I be in the wrong business).  It means that at the end of the day, I need a little time with my thoughts to recharge.  But does being an introvert mean that I am better at social media networking than those that recharge by spending time with people?? That was the curiosity that sent me to Val Nelson’s session.

Before the session started, I was still riding the caffeine-underscored energy of being around all sorts of like-minded people.  I was chatting with Jeff Rock of Swiftriver Coaching.  I had just learned about QR codes and texted Laurie Johnson that QR codes could be a way to market our business, and as always she texted back to me that she was just talking to her brother in law about QR codes (It is amazing how often this kind of thing happens with us).  I then took the time to send her this video, which made Jeff Rock literally laugh out loud! 

Then I took a breath, looked at the time, and realized that it was nine minutes until the next session.  Clearly I needed every minute of that time to get to the next space for Val’s session, so I entered the elevator and it closed upon the chaotic fabulous scene of the third floor of podcamp.  I rode the elevator two floors and the doors opened upon my destination, where about thirty people were sitting almost completely silent waiting for Val’s session.  Now that is juxtaposition!  .

 The illustration between the different energy sources at both ends of my elevator ride was illustrated by Val Nelson’s session.  Are introverts or extraverts better networkers?  The conclusion we came to was that introverts and extraverts network differently, and dabbling in both kinds of energies is beneficial.  We also discussed the possibility that while there may be a slight extrovert bias in in-person networking situations, social media may just be leveling the playing field.  I also learned that I must go and buy the book Quiet by Susan Cain.  Thank you Val!
Jeff Rock was equally jazzed by this event

Next, I entered a session entitled, “BodyTalk,” in which Paul Bogush explored non-verbal communication with us.   His energy exuded real expertise and excitement about the subject.  I knew I was in the presence of another movement geek!!!! Oh what a great day this was! There were two stand out things about Paul’s session.  First, he gave us all a tic tac, told us to place it on our tongue and then asked us to count from 1 -10.  In my mind, I started counting and felt the distorted words change to louder, clearer numbers. I felt my shoulders widen and my neck lengthen, and my spine grow.  Of course the neurons in my head started popping and synthesizing like mad.  This simple exercise illustrated Polestar Pilates Axial Elongation and Core Control, and then my mind almost exploded when I remembered that Tom Myers Deep Front Line ended at the tongue!  Who knew that a tic tac could be so powerful?  Just wait until I give you a tic tac at The Pilates Studio.

The second take away from Paul’s session:  Paul is a middle school social studies teacher, and my heart is so happy knowing that hundreds maybe thousands of kids will be touched by such an empowering, caring teacher.  I sigh with relief every time I think of it!

I ended the day in a session with Jennifer Williams who has done extensive research on the Psychological Profiles of the different social media platforms.  Jennifer’s brilliance is her ability to research so many ideas and then present them in a succinct and tangible way!  She did all of the research so that we as business owners who are working too hard already don’t need to.  For this I am grateful!

With that I give you Jennifer’s most powerful slide,

Facebook – Who am I
Twitter – Who am I right now
Pinterest – Who do I want to be
Instagram -  How do I express myself
Google + - What do I think

With this in mind, we are already deciding how to strategize what we post to different platforms.

Finally I shall share the most important thing podcamp changed,  I no longer run around saying that Twitter is destroying the English language.  I get it now! Feel free to follow me @katrinahawley

Director of Instruction at The Pilates Studio


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